We study various topics in ecology, conservation, wildlife ecology, and biogeography. The team consists of Dr. Joe Veech and his graduate students. The unifying theme of our research is recognition of the importance of habitat to a species’ basic ecology and persistence in nature.
My research in a “nutshell”: JAV TXST Research Card
All of these photos show various types of habitat that are home to various types of organisms. Habitat variation supports species diversity within and across landscapes and regions. The habitat requirements of a species also largely determine where we find particular species and their relative abundances at different locations. Obtaining knowledge of the habitat ecology of a species can be a critical first step in developing and implementing plans for conservation. (All photos by Joe Veech)
Habitat Ecology and Analysis is available for purchase from Oxford University Press (hardback, paperback) and other outlets. Among other goals, the book promotes habitat ecology as a field of ecological study and application onto itself.
January 2025 – Drew Berdo successfully defended his thesis, “A landscape-scale assessment of the potential impact of wind turbines on grassland birds”. Congrats to Drew!
November 2024 – Danny Guerra successfully defended his dissertation, “The tortoise and the landscape: examining the habitat, daily movement, space use, and thermal ecology of the Texas tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri)”. Congrats to Danny!